Die Bekenntnisschriften der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche

Vollständige Neuedition

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85,00 €
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Subscription price valid until 10.03.2015: EUR 59,99! / Regular price: EUR 69,99 For the first time since the publication of the Confessio Augustana in 1930 this volume presents an edited edition of the Confessionals of the Protestant Lutheran Church. It is based on new sources and the results of new theological and historical research. The texts are presented parallel in Early Modern High German and in the Latin original. The critical apparatus reproduces the various readings, and the commentary provides important information for our understanding of both the historical and theological background.

Dr. Adolf Martin Ritter ist em. Professor für Historische Theologie (Patristik) an der Theologischen Fakultät der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg.

Dr. Robert Kolb ist Professor em. für Systematische Theologie am Concordia Seminary in Saint Louis, USA.
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